Friday, August 5, 2016


    For several years now I have been pursuing the puzzle of my ancestry.  I am trying to answer the following 4 questions:

  1. Where did my ancestors come from (to America)?
  2. Why did they come?
  3. Where did they first settle?
  4. How did they get to Tennessee (where I was born.)?
As part of that quest I visited Corydon in June, and the quest continues on this vacation.  Just as a bit of background (should you actually care).  My maiden name was Nancy Dorene Hisey.  Much of this segment of my quest concerns the "Hisey" family, but my Daddy's mother was Penelope Cobb King and the Cobb's landed in Jamestown in 1613. Thus our first stop on the Virginia Coast. 

Below I am including a list of the ancestors I have identified up until now, some of whose past I will be checking up on.  I would not expect many people to be interested in the images below, but just in case. 

We leave in just over a week.   If you don't want to be included on those receiving this, please let me know.   dorene

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