Saturday, November 26, 2016


  • Tannersville and Hunter Mountain…the ski area where we would go up after work on Friday, night ski until the lifts closed, then hang out in the area bars before going home.
  • ·         Hunted for some property we used to own on a mountain outside of town.
  • ·         Browse around Kingston to see what had changed…Roundout Creek.
  • ·         Rhinecliffe Bridge, Rhinebeck Aerodrome, Rhinebeck Inn
  • ·         Ashokan Reservoir, Peekamoose,
  • ·   
  • ·       
  • ·         Locate former IBM colleague, and friends Erv and Marge Farnett who still live in Woodstock and really DID go to the concert.
  • ·         Mountain rambles on backroads through beautiful mountains.
  • · 

Thursday  Sept 8  Lake George to Woodstock.  Took I87  (Northway) through Albany because of the traffic so did not get to stop at Rennselaer to recognize another of my ancestors...this one Dutch...(ADD INFO HERE).  Got to Woodstock before was a little over 100 miles...Began checking Woodstock....Gilded Carriage,  lunch at Little Bear, Church...tried to find Elfs but failed to recognize it on Glasco Turnpike.  Joshua's not open.  Woodstock Pub defunct... Drove Blue Mtn Road (not the right road after all) Took in Byrdcliffe, Maverick Theater, Holly Hills, gas, Walked Woodstock, Garden Cafe  wine  and planning.  Dinner chicken salad, Clementines.  Rain, showered, hooked up TV saw part of Panther's game...not sure who finally won...Panthers behind when we turned it off. 

Friday  Sept 9  

IBM,  Kingston uptown and Washington Avenue, Roundout Creek...pretty but gave up on restaurants.  Went looking for Bridge Circle or LPI...found neither...ended up in Saugerties. Forgot how narrow the streets were and the crooked turns before the bridge on 9W, turning at the church. Amazed at the  new Diamond Mine restaurant  and hotel  where the old mill used to be...Used to ice skate on the Esopus Creek in winter above the falls behind the mill.  Gelato to die for.  Great panini sandwich that we split.  

Roamed Holly Hills...talked to son and to be daughter in law of current owners and got an update on the house.  Still no air conditioning...downstairs apartment washed out in a storm. Still looks good. Whole neighborhood looks really good.  

Took a bunch of backroads through the Catskill Park and ended up in Tannersville and Hunter Mtn where I learned to ski  (ice). 

We kept seeing the Esopus Creek and had never thought about how it snaked around among and between Kingston/Hurley,  Saugerties..

Woodstock Sept 10
Left at 10 am Hurley House  Got updates on all the changes in the Hurley area in the last 35 years.  , Old Hurley, Corn, Hurley Mountain Inn, .lFording Place, Shooting Site, Peekamoose Blue Hole, (eat on road) Wander around to Rondout reservoir then Ashokan Dam,  no fishing place, Maverick Road .   Home at 6…Ate corn and tomatoes...discovered all my pictures before today are gone on my bad external hard drive....

CRANBERRY LAKE AUG 31- SEP 6 to Lake George Sept 7

August 31  Cranberry Lake   dropped Snoopy.  got generator, tour Watertown  75 miles each way.  laundry, colemans fill generator, new coffeepot
Sept 1  Wanakena  not much there. Inlet Trail stones...quit...mushrooms

Sept 2nd
Slept until 9:30. Snug…to Fish Creek Pond/Rollins Pond.  This is where we canoed between lakes. Beautiful. Big. Had lunch at empty campsite on the edge of the lake in Rollins Pond CG.  No power boats allowed on the lake. Each campsite quiet, surrounded by very tall evergreen trees, ground covered with pine needles…just a picnic table and fireplace. Ham/cheese, salami, chips, oreos.   Decide to take the Otter Hollow Loop Trail for a hike. Read the sign to say 2.7 miles.  It turned out to be 4.7 miles PLUS a 5 mile trek through the Rollins Pond Campground and back to Fish Creek Pond.  Beautiful hike the first 2. 7 miles. A little surprised and tired the next 2+ miles.  Trudged on the campground road, begged water from some guys at the first campsite we reached.  Finally hitchhiked with “Gretchen”  an angel sent from heaven to give us the final 4 miles back to the truck.   Talk about tired!  It was after 5 pm when we got to the truck. That is beginning to be dark inside the woods.  Got back to Snoopy at Cranberry Lake, grilled fresh corn on the charcoal, had steak and chicken grilled and homemade slaw beer and wine.  Chick’s campfire was especially welcoming as we sat there for a long time watching the fire burn.  Temperature by 9 pm was 53.6 degrees so we moved inside.  Set up the critter cam and washed the dishes in Snoopy by the light of the coleman lanterns.  Sleep and lots of warm blankets were more than welcome. 

Sept 3 
Slept H20 , empty pot,drove around.  1 hrtalk with couple from Vermont. drove to Sand Rd,  canoe access Oswegotchie...lunch at picnic table.  Jeanette" "tour"  23-58.   no place to access water to fish. Called Katy atEdgar...headed to Bonaparte.  Katy PJ Betty.   Beautiful lake. wine/neighbor  caught up on onld times; scenic tour lake Katy's new boat.  7 pm took off ate coffee shop  Coffee Cafe --Star lake. flat iorn steak/parmesan risotto, chicken picatte   split each shared.  decaf coffee/latte  back to Snoopy by 9 pm Lit lantern  58 degrees outside   supposed to get hot next couple of days. 

 (dog Hemingway)

Sun Sept 4  slept late again....regular store for eggs & milk;  DEC keeping motor vehicles out found foradside fishing spot from years ago...2 guys with the top 40 country music countdown full blast on their car radio had the best fishing spot.  Endured the noise awhile, then moved on.  Found a nice picnic spot along the road--had the usual--then exploreda huge Boy Scout Camp which occupies untold acerage and multiple lakes.   Part of their property is OK to public afer Sept 1.  Chick tried fishing on a couple of their beautiful lakes but no luck.  Returned to Snoopy.  I hooked up generator and used my laptop to transfer pictures for a couple of hours.  discovered I could recharge my kindle in the truck.  A few more days of this "dry camping" and we will get it figured out.  Threw a few more circuit breakers off to stop unneeded electrical activity.  Chick went to fish below the dam that creates Cranberry Lake.  Cooked dinner on the charcoal and coleman stove.  great food...pork loin, roasted vegs; mushrooms, orange and green bell peppers, onions potatoes.  Salad of tomatoes cukes, cottage cheese w/  Watched a stunning campfier for a couple of hours. Actually spent a day in Tshirts  hight was about 78!  9 pm tonight is 61 out  71 in (thanks to coleman lanterns) Beautiful day of almost nothing. 

Mon Sept 5  Found a 'shortcut' to the dam at Cranberry Lake for Chick's fishing. Grocery shopping in Tupper Lake.  Still can't find red wine vinegar.   Took the main road to Horseshoe Lake then followed a snowmobile trail about 8 miles until we encountered a gate.  ...turned back.  Chick tried several fishing spots...hard to find where the water not too shallow and sandy...most canoe launches like that.  or too full of cattails or water lilies to fish.  Lunch beside home, took showers, dinner...salmon and vegs on grill--tomatoes/carrots/cukes/cottage cheese w/olives and balsamic...washed dishes outside...easier...heated water on leftover charcoal of the grill.  Chick had a good fire again.  warmer tonight...9pm  62 degrees.  Beautiful day.  Going to read since my kindle was charged in the truck. 

Tues Sept 6  Anothyer goreous day...another hike after breakfast. ..this time Bear Mtn lookout...supposed to be one mile...actually more like 5 with a 1 mile return through campsites.  And steep and rocky.   We seem to be having some issues with NYS trail info.  I remember when I used to hike the Catskills I believed the mileage markers were "as the crow flies" and had no relation to the meanderings of the actual trail.  1 mile in 2 3/4 hours??even 1 mile one way/ two mis in 2 3/4 hours? not likely.  Going up the trail, three ladies and a toddler talked and shouted the whole way. Finally asked them to shut up.  They were insulted but did shut up.  We made sure we went down a different trail than they did.  We had a quick lunch, cheddar cheese, hummus and Triscuits w/ tonic, then took a short rest.  Chick headed out fishing and I read.  Set up for dinner: BLTs on the coleman stove  I love toast on the camp stove.  some wine and a Clementine...good stuff.   Finished off the firewoodk, packed the generator to return it in the morning. Warmer night...only need 1 lantern to keep warm. Already packed the thermometer. Decided to leave a day early and make an overnight in Lake George (KOA) since we had a roundtrip to Watertown to return the generoator (extra 150 miles).

Wed. Sept 7  Early Breakfast at Coffee Cafe in Star Lake (Lazy Eggs benedict...on bagel) Retuirned generator, Left Cranberry, drove to Lake George via Long Lake. Had lunch, bought coffee mugs with bears on them, and Chick bought me some very pretty handmade earrings. Thankfully we were south of Lake George and not really in it .  What a zoo.

Thursday  Sept 8  Lake George to Woodstock.  Took I87  (Northway) through Albany because of the traffic so did not get to stop at Rennselaer to recognize another of my ancestors...this one Dutch...(ADD INFO HERE).  Got to Woodstock before was a little over 100 miles...Began checking Woodstock....Gilded Carriage,  lunch at Little Bear, Church...tried to find Elfs but failed to recognize it on Glasco Turnpike.  Drove Blue Mtn Road (not the right road after all) Took in Byrdcliffe, Maverick Theater, Holly Hills, gas, Walked Woodstock, Garden Cafe  wine  and planning.  Dinner chicken salad, Clementines.  Rain, showered, hooked up TV saw part of Panther's game...not sure who finally won...Panthers behind when we turned it off.